UIR Student Office
Elected every two years, the UIR Student Office (BDE) brings together motivated students ready to get involved in the extra-curricular university life at UIR.
Getting involved in the Student Office means developing part of your personality, participating in the achievement of projects to allow students to fully enjoy life on campus.
Contact Information:
- Tel : +212 (0) 5 30 10 31 16
- Email :bde@uir.ac.ma

Student Clubs
The purpose of UIR Clubs is to carry out student actions on different fronts: sports activities, commitment to the environment, humanitarian actions, artistic and cultural events. If you have a Club idea that is not listed below, you can apply to the Clubs and Student Organizations Department (rachid.hadre@uir.ac.ma) to start a Club..
The International University of Rabat is proud to have 48 Student Clubs that are actively involved on their campus and contribute to the outreach and development of their community.
A club with a social, humanitarian and artistic vocation that brings together students mainly from the Architecture School. The Archi Club also contributes to the development of UIR's premises or the renovation of associations’ premises. Combining the fun side with hands-on learning, this Club allows students to take up the architect’s profession from the University.
Affiliated with AIESEC Rabat, AIESEC UIR is an international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential. As the world's largest student-led non-profit organization through international internships, we advance youth leadership development in both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations.
The Autoclub UIR is an academic club in the automotive engineering sector. The main objective of this club is to represent engineering students in the automotive industry, organize conferences on the theme of the automotive industry, offer tutoring sessions to students, organize discovery and immersion trips in the automotive industry, participate in the organization of the business forum, organize sports activities related to the automotive world and work on R&D projects or innovation competitions (Eco Shell Competition, Solar Car etc...).
An entertainment club that helps organize various events and entertainment activities within the UIR community, including weekly film screenings, video game tournaments, scavenger hunts, etc.
The club organizes debates, round tables and conferences on political and economic topics.
UI'AIR is the UIR environmental club which is involved in several awareness-raising initiatives including environmental protection.
For years, the UIR Power Club has been undertaking charitable and social actions such as the blood donation drive or the 2016 Food Caravan that covered the Tineghir region.
The club is in charge of entertainment on campus through the organization of various events: Halloween, Integration week, 4L Trophy, etc... and offers weekly dance classes (Zumba, African Dance, Contemporary Dance, Hip Hop etc...)
The Club is a recognized branch of Rotaract Morocco and is involved in social projects for the benefit of marginalized neighborhoods in the Rabat region and remote areas of the Kingdom.
The club brings together all the common social activities intended for associations and persons in distress in the Rabat-Salé-Kénitra region.
The student campus newspaper par excellence. A bridge to connect students by providing them with a unified voice based on freedom of expression.
The UIR Young Lawyers' Club aims to integrate the fundamentals of modern legal intelligence through all projects and practical activities outside the university curriculum, thus completing their initial academic training.
A partnership with the National Democratic Institute and USAID, the club aims to involve students and acquaint them with the democratic decision-making process. Thanks to advanced training provided by NDI, students are prepared to become effective agents in the Kingdom's democratic and political process.
With an educational, humanitarian and social vocation, the Club brings together students from the Dental School. The club organizes events and fundraising events as well as dental hygiene and health awareness campaigns.
The club's main mission is to promote aerospace engineering training at the International University of Rabat for both national and international aviation industries.
As a member of the ENACTUS Morocco network, ENACTUS UIR has set itself the mission of developing and promoting the entrepreneurial spirit and increasing the sense of commitment among the University's young students.
The Events Club works in collaboration with the Student Affairs Department for the organization of various events such as the Moroccan Touch, the integration evening party. The Event Club is the ultimate atmosphere creator.
Created in 2017, The DEBATE Club strives to promote public speaking skills within UIR. Its members aim for "Public Speaking" competitions at the UIR and other Moroccan universities.
The club aims to organize annual simulations of the United Nations, encouraging students to learn about the world of politics and international diplomacy.
The UIR Musicians Club was created to bring together the University's musicians and artists in order to collaborate in the artistic development of the students but also the UIR with musical entertainment offered to students on the University Campus throughout the year.
The club's objective is to specialize in research and development in renewable energy, automotive engineering and IT in order to design cars based on new technologies (electric, solar and hybrid).
The Choir is a longstanding club that participates in several musical activities and competitions at UIR and other universities, such as the Graduation Ceremony or the Al Akhawayn and IIHEM choir competitions.
The UIR Ultras is the club for supporters of UIR teams. Each year, they accompany the sports teams, help organize the UIR Olympiads and produce the UIR Tifo.
The Association of UIR Student Ambassadors is a student organization that is part of Student Life. Its purpose is to serve students and the University while contributing to its outreach. Its members are expected to work closely with all departments of the University, particularly during DMC campaigns.
Les Penseurs de demain Club promotes culture and literature by organizing fun and interactive cultural activities (literary meetings, debates, book reviews, philosophical discussions, etc.). Also, an additional drama activity whose objective is to present a...
The objective of the UIR Studios Club is to create quality audiovisual content. UIR Studios is the voice of students through photography and cinematography (short films, reports, instructional videos...), and also to contribute to campus life through the creation of events to promote art and culture within the University.
The objective of this Club is to transform economics and management economics and management education by empowering student change agents, raising awareness for sustainability opportunities and challenges, and building institutional support for curriculum reform today empower leaders to drive change towards sustainability worldwide.
OIKOS International UIR’s program embed environmental and social perspectives in faculties for economics and management, and that, by comprising, seminars, speeches, simulation games and other initiatives to transform teaching and research.
RBS START NOW is an initiative launched by the students of Rabat Business School to promote entrepreneurship and innovation within our University. The objective of this club is to accelerate the growth of startups by helping to cultivate innovative ideas and business design advice for UIR students and also for typical Moroccan startups (VSEs and SMEs). This club supports young entrepreneurs in the implementation of their innovative projects by offering them a wide range of programs and events through innovative tools and platforms.
The UIR Comedy Club aims to bring smiles and humor through the exercise of humor and stand-up comedy. In addition to its entertainment activities, this Club supports member students in the development of their comedy skills and addresses current issues and raises awareness through comedy.
The objective of this club is to promote the Japanese culture within UIR, and more broadly in Morocco, through the establishment of bilateral cultural partnerships between the Club and Japanese Student Associations.
Created in 2018, this Club covers current debate topics by organizing thematic conferences, national student debates, round tables and information sessions.
Affiliated with Amnesty Morocco, this Club defends Amnesty's prerogatives in the fight against discrimination, disparities and injustices in the world. In this sprit, the club organizes awareness-raising campaigns, conferences, fundraising activities to defend Human Rights within the UIR community.
The Styling Club keeps up with the trends of modern fashion by offering modern outfits adapted to everyone.
In addition to the multidisciplinary clubs, the International University of Rabat also has sports clubs that represent the UIR colors in national and regional disciplines. The disciplines represented are as follows:
- Soccer club/boys
- Volleyball club/girls
- Volleyball club/ boys
- Basketball club/girls
- Basketball club/boys
- Tennis club/co-ed club
- Fishing club
- Table tennis club
- Fitness Club
- Salsa Club
- Swimming club
- Chess Club
- Oriental Dance Club
- Modern Dance Club
- Martial Arts Club