International Workshop on Transportation and Supply Chain Engineering (IWTSCE)

International Workshop on Transportation and Supply Chain Engineering (IWTSCE) calendar_today 29-11-2016

International Workshop on Transportation and Supply Chain Engineering (IWTSCE)

Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to participate to the International Workshop on Transportation and Supply Chain Engineering (IWTSCE), which will be held at International University of Rabat "Executive Education Buildings", during November 29-30, 2016. The purpose of this meeting is to provide an international forum for recent developments in selected fields of research in transportation systems and supply chain engineering by bringing together researchers, practitioners and research scholars from all over the world to exchange and share their experiences and research results.

Papers of particular merit will be published in special issue of international journal. All accepted paper by IWTSCE'16 will be published by EDP Sciences on EI Serial Journal of MATEC web of Conferences {ISSN (Electronic Edition):2261-236X} as a proceeding.

MATEC Web of Conferences is indexed in:

Thomson Reuters (web of science)

Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)


Engineering Village

Google Scholar


For further information about IWTSCE'16, please visit the web site at:

Location : Executive Education Buildings

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