Go Green

Go Green

What is Go Green ?

The project "Go Green: A Trans-Mediterranean Approach to Climate Change" represents a collaborative and balanced partnership between the University of Bologna (UNIBO) in Italy and the Center for Global Studies (CGS) at the International University of Rabat (UIR) in Morocco. This initiative is a testament to a shared vision and commitment from both institutions. It involves key departments from UNIBO, including the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Economic Sciences, and Physics and Astronomy, working in tandem with CGS at UIR. Go Green is a research and cooperation project financed by the University of Bologna.
Structured as an interdisciplinary project, it emphasizes an equal and integrated approach, blending diverse disciplines such as politics, history, economics, anthropology, and natural sciences. The primary goal is to foster a mutual and reciprocal understanding and handling of climate change issues, focusing on collaborative strategies for adaptation and mitigation.

This endeavor seeks to bridge perspectives from both sides of the Mediterranean, promoting an inclusive and balanced dialogue. Key to the project are three interrelated activities, reflecting a commitment to shared learning and cooperative development :

1. Capacity building ;
2. Mobility ;
3. Engagement with NGOs and civil society groups.

This collaboration highlights the importance of a thematic focus on climate change, the geographical interconnection between Italy and Morocco, and an approach grounded in mutual respect, interdisciplinary learning, and community involvement.

The project stands as a symbol of UNIBO and UIR's dedication to facing global challenges collaboratively, fostering international ties, and enhancing local and global linkages. The coordination and scientific oversight of the project are led by Dr. Giulia Cimini from UNIBO, with Prof. Beatriz Mesa, Professor at the College of Social Sciences and reasercher at CGS, UIR, heading the team in Rabat.

Funded by the University of Bologna. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the University of Bologna, the Departments of Political and Social Sciences, of Economic Sciences, and of Physics and Astronomy, nor the Center for Global Studies. Neither can they be held responsible for them.
Go Green Team


Dean of the College of Social Sciences
Director of The Center for Global Studies (CGS)

Farid El Asri is an anthropologist and holds a PHD in political and social sciences from Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), as well as a degree in Islam, Judaism and Arabic. He is an associate professor at Sciences Po Rabat, Université Internationale de Rabat (UIR) and Director of the Center for Global Studies. He also holds the dual position of Director of the Chair of Cultures, Societies and Religious Facts and Director of the journal Afrique en Mouvement. He represents the UIR in the Global Africa Consortium and is a member of the editorial board of the journal Global Africa. Prof. Farid El Asri is also founding director of the European network EmridNetwork: European Muslim Research on Islamic Development (Brussels, 2014)


Team Member

Massimiliano Trentin works on the International History of Western Asia and North Africa with a special focus on the interplay between diplomacy, economics and development. His monographs, Engineers of Modern Development: East German Experts in Ba'thist Syria, 1965-1972, La Guerra fredda tedesca in Siria. Diplomazia, politica ed economia, 1963-1970 (Cleup 2010 and 2015) and edited volumes like The Middle East and the Cold War (CSP, 2012), Linee di conflitto. Il mondo arabo in trasformazione (Afriche e Orienti, 2013). He published articles on academic journals (Diplomatic History, Cold War History, Foro Internacional, Phoenix, Afriche e Orienti, Middle Eastern Studies, Contemporary European History) and several volume essays (IB Tauris, Lynne Rienner, Peter Lang, Cahiers Irice, Bruno Mondadori, Marsilio, Franco Angeli, il Mulino). More recently, his research has focused on the international history of the "debt crisis" of the 1980s in the region as Principal Investigator of the state-funded research project "The Making of the Washington Consensus. Negotiating international assets, debts and power (1979-91)" (Prin, 2015).



Project Manager UIR

Beatriz Mesa holds a PHD in political science from the University of Grenoble (France). She is an associate professor at the College of Social Sciences at the International University of Rabat. She is a member of the "Gestion de conflits, dynamiques régionales et sécurité en Afrique :: géopolitique des tensions, polémologie contemporaine et Peacebuilding" (Conflict management, regional dynamics and security in Africa: geopolitics of tensions, contemporary polemology and peacebuilding) axis at the Centre d'études globales (CGS) and a research member of the "Culture, Société et fait religieux" (Culture, Society and Religious Fact) Chair headed by Farid El Asri.

She is also a member of the research team at the Laboratoire d'analyse des sociétés et des pouvoirs - Afrique / Diasporas (LASPAD). Her current areas of interest and work focus on security, migration, identities, political Islam, conflicts, armed groups and the criminal economy in the Maghreb and Sahel region. In addition, she has over 13 years' professional experience as an international analyst for the mass media. Mesa is a member of various scientific associations and is the author of several articles, including, but not limited to: La falsa yihad: el negocio del narcotráfico en el Sahel (Dalya, 2013) and Les groupes armés du Sahel. Conflict and the criminal economy in northern Mali (Halfa, 2021). 



Project Manager UNIBO

Giulia Cimini is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna. Her research interests include political parties, security assistance, and environmental governance in the Middle East and North Africa. She authored Political Parties in Post-Uprising Tunisia and Morocco (Routledge 2023) and co-edited Political Islam Inside-Out (Routledge 2022). Among others, she published in the Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, Contemporary Politics, and Middle Eastern Studies. Between 2019 and 2023, Giulia was the Principal Investigator of the research project "Security for Whom?" funded by the German Gerda Henkel Foundation. Since 2023, she has been the Scientific Responsible and Coordinator of the inter-departmental project "Go Green: A Trans-Mediterranean Approach to Climate Change" with the International University of Rabat, financed by the University of Bologna.
Giulia is Associate Editor of the scientific journal Interdisciplinary Political Studies (IdPS).



Research Assistant

Yassine Ben Mokhtar, an emerging scholar in Political Science and International Relations, holds a Bachelor's degree from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Rabat and two Master's degrees - one in Administrative and Judicial Careers from IEP Grenoble, and another in Geostrategy, Defense, and International Security from IEP d'Aix-en-Provence. Currently, Yassine is deepening his academic endeavors through a doctoral program in Political Science at the Centre for Global Studies (CGS) under the mentorship of Professors Mehdi ALIOUA and Yousra ABOURABI. Specifically, Yassine's research examines the role of the African Migration Observatory, a body of the African Union Commission based in Rabat. This research is poised to contribute significantly to the understanding of migration policies and governance on the African continent and their global ramifications.



Research Assistant

A graduate of the International University of Rabat (UIR), Moaad El Karchaoui is a doctoral student in Political Science at the Center for Global Studies under the supervision of Prof. Mehdi Alioua and co-supervised by Prof. Zineb Omary. He is mainly interested in public health policies. His thesis focuses on "The appropriation of medical data by users".



Research Assistant

Matteo Mannocchi is an analyst and researcher specializing in environmental policies, focusing on energy management and disaster risk reduction. His academic and professional experiences have enabled him to develop significant skills in analyzing policies and governance structures related to natural resource and environmental management. His academic Background : Ph.D. in Future Earth Climate Change and Societal Challenges (2023), University of Bologna, focusing on the mainstreaming process of Nature-Based Solutions for mitigating natural hazards and disaster risks. Master II in Environmental Sustainability of Energy Sources (SAFE) (2018-2019), Rome, encompassing studies on energy markets (gas and electricity) and new developments in renewable energy and circular economy solutions. Master’s degree in International Affairs (2019), University of Bologna. Bachelor's degree in International Relations (2016), University la Sapienza of Roma.



Team Member

Eugenia Baroncelli is Associate Professor of Political Science (DSPS Unibo), where she teaches Politics of the World Economy, Relazioni Internazionali, Politics and Development in the Global World. Former trade and tariff consultant at the World Bank (2001-2006), she has published extensively in international and domestic outlets. She currently investigates the roots of neo-protectionism (AlmaIdea 2017; PRIN 2019 SH1), as well as the regional-global interplays on the HDP Nexus in the context of the SDGs (ECRP-ESF; HDP Lab Synex4 Future). She has taught, among others, at SAIS-The Johns Hopkins University, HSE Moscow, SNS Pisa. She has coordinated projects-workpackages awarded competitive funding at the EU and national levels. She is external independent evaluator (Horizon, VQR, SIR), and referee for IR, IPE and Development Journals and publications (Italian Political Science Review; Industrial and Corporate Change; Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, Global Affairs among others). She is member to the Editorial Board of Italian Political Science Review, as well as member of the Editorial Committees ‘Political Science’ and ‘Security’ at Il Mulino.



Team Member

Arrigo Pallotti is a Full Professor of African History and Institutions at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna, where he is also the Director of the Second Cycle Degree in International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs. His research interests involve Regional integration in Southern Africa, UE-ACP cooperation, conflict, and democratization in sub-Saharan Africa (with a focus on Tanzania).



Team Member

Francesca Biancani is Associate Professor at Bologna University since May 2022. She holds a BA in Oriental History from Bologna University, an MA in Near and Middle Eastern Studies from the School of Oriental and African Studies of the University of London and a PhD in Government from the London School of Economics and Political Science. She has been adjunct professor of History and Institutions of the Modern Middle East, International Relations and Political Development of the Middle East at UNIBO from 2010 to 2018. In 2017-2018 she has been Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the IFAO and CEDEJ, Cairo. From 2018 to 2022 she has been TT Assistant Professor at UNIBO.



Team Member

Giorgia Perletta is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna. Her research interests focus on contemporary Iranian politics and history. At the University of Bologna, she is also a Teaching Assistant for the course International History. She collaborates as a researcher with Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa (CASD), Italian Ministry of Defence. She is also Adjunct Lecturer at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart where she teaches a BA module on Geopolitics. Also, at the Graduate School for Economics and International Relations (ASERI) in Milan, where she teaches History and Politics of Modern Iran and Water Security in the Middle East; and she is Visiting Lecturer at the Prague University of Economics and Business (VSE), where she teaches a course on "Iran and the International System: past and present". In 2023 she has been Academic Visitor at the Middle East Centre, St'Antony's College, University of Oxford and in 2017 she has been Visiting Researcher at the Near and Middle Eastern Civilization Department at the University of Toronto (CA).

Between 2020 and 2022, she was Program Coordinator of the Master in Middle Eastern Studies at the Graduate School of Economics and International Relations (ASERI) in Milan. In 2019, she obtained a PhD in Institutions and Policies from the Catholic University in Milan, where she is currently Teaching Assistant for courses in History and Institutions of Asia, Post-Conflict and Management of Emergencies and Geopolitics. Her main scientific publications include: G. Perletta, Political Radicalism in Iran and Ahmadinejad's Presidencies, Palgrave Macmillan, 2022; G. Perletta , "Iran 2022: Domestic Challenges to State Legitimacy and Isolation in The Global Arena." ASIA MAIOR XXXIII (2023): 433-454; G. Perletta, "Il velo in Iran: significati e simbologie a confronto nella repubblica islamica." QUADERNI ASIATICI 2022.140 (2022): 81-90; 81-90; G. Perletta, "Acque contese? La crisi idrica in Iran e Iraq e le sue implicazioni." Dinamiche geopolitiche contemporanee. Ce. St. In. Geo. geopolitical outlook 2022. Educatt Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2022. 59-70; G. Perletta, "Insicurezza idrica come causa di trasformazioni nello spazio e fonte di dissenso politico: il caso del Khuzestan iraniano." Storia Urbana, (2020): 91-117. G. Perletta, "Dal quietismo all’attivismo politico. Il coinvolgimento del clero iraniano nella Rivoluzione Costituzionale (1905-1906)." Giornale di Storia Contemporanea, 2 (2019): 101-132..

Go Green Events 
International study day
Les migrations dans l'Ouest Méditerranéen: Comment les migrations sont-elles devenues un enjeu sécuritaire après les Printemps Arabes ?
The international study day titled "Les migrations dans l'Ouest Méditerranéen: Comment les migrations sont-elles devenues un enjeu sécuritaire après les Printemps Arabes?" is an event focusing on the security issues related to migration in the Western Mediterranean region, especially following the Arab Spring. It features two main panels: the first analyzing the security challenges of migration post-Arab Spring, and the second discussing environmental security and migration, including the impact of climate change on mobility. The event, hosted in Rabat in late November 2023, brings together researchers, specialists, students, and stakeholders to foster dialogue and share knowledge, aiming to deepen understanding and encourage cooperation on migration and security issues in the region.