Director’s message

Director’s message

In just a short period of time, it has succeeded in attracting many students seeking a path leading towards a profession and allowing them to enter the workplace and the world of professional and social responsibility in a rewarding way. There are indeed many legal professions for a very simple reason: there is hardly any national and/or international human, political, administrative, economic, social, cultural activity that can operate without a legal framework that is constantly being adapted and fine-tuned.

Le modèle : More and more legal practitioners are therefore needed to secure and protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and public and private institutions. In short, many public and private jobs are open to legal practitioners (magistrate, lawyer, notary, bailiff, legal adviser, legal counsel within companies or international organizations, administrative framework, etc).

Directeur de l'Ecole de Droit de Rabat

L’équipe pédagogique, sensibilisée à cette problématique, a pour mission première    de mettre en œuvre cette vision en facilitant l’intégration de l’étudiant débutant.  The programs, from Bachelor's to Master's degrees, are thus attuned to the needs of young people's professional integration. The Bachelor's degree in Business Law and the Master's degree in Business Law and Tax Law, both of which are currently offered, are the prelude to an offer that will cover the most interesting and professionalizing niches in legal science. Trained in the acquisition of reasoning skills and legal knowledge through high-level courses, practicums, internships, professional conferences, and study visits, students are thus placed on the path to success.

The very high-quality education, the remedial and refresher courses, the attention and the ongoing dialogue with students and parents, make the law school an interactive space geared towards excellence. Our academic (University of Aix Marseille) and professional (Lefèvre Pelletier et Associés CGR Avocats) partnerships, the organization of “Rencontres Mensuelles du Droit”, or “Monthly Law Meetings” (colloquia, conferences) and “Petits déjeuners du Droit”, or “Law breakfasts”, led by professionals, as well as visits to courts and companies, reflect our openness to the environment and contribute to enhancing the education of our students.