A study visit, or itinerant workshop, consists of a series of field trips related to a specific global theme. It involves bringing together a group of students, supervised by a Law School official who organizes and guides the field visits. Each visit is also led by a resource person, usually a local agent who holds a key position in the organization being visited (for example: the Secretary General of Parliament, the president of a court, magistrates etc.).
Court of Cassation
Administrative Appeals Court
Moroccan Development and Investment Agency
Commercial Court
General Secretariat of the Government
Delegation of the European Union

• The labor code and the promotion of employment.
• The Budget Law for 2016: The Tax Aspects
• Employability Criteria in the 21st Century
• "Labor Inspection: A Tool for Legal Security?”
• The role of case law in improving the business climate in Morocco
• Investing in Africa
• The Moroccan Administration and the Citizen
• Environmental protection in Moroccan and international law
• Administrative courts...what's the record?
• Corporate Social Responsibility CSR Issues and Outlook
• Muslim Law in the Face of Current Challenges
• The judicial police and criminal procedure
• The role of a corporate legal practitioner
• Road accidents and the law
• What are the risks for a mass retailer?
• The function of the judge
• Aspects of the Globalization of Law

Each year, the Law School participates in the annual French-speaking legal interpretation prize.
The activity consists in selecting bachelor's and master's students with undeniable writing skills, and preparing them for a topic of reflection (chosen by the institute).
The Prize, initiated by the Moroccan Legal Institute, is trusted by many national and international institutions. In addition, the competition is officially included in the program of the annual celebration of the Day of the Francophonie celebrated on 20 March and organized by the Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, the Maghreb office of the Agence universitaire de la francophonie and the Group of French-speaking embassies accredited in Rabat.
The students of the Masters 2 program are required to prepare a plea. This is an argumentation exercise, which is the oral presentation of claims and arguments. The plea is the written or oral defence of an opinion or a cause (par excellence, this is an exercise for students who wish to take the bar exam).

The Law School has a club for young legal practitioners. Under the supervision of the former, the club organizes every year a collection of donations followed by a trip for charity (trip of discovery and solidarity).
Community life is perceived by the Law School as a major component of the education of its students, it is at the heart of the pedagogy.
Students can choose to get involved in an association (partnership with the charity association). They are supervised by a manager. At each stage of their project, they benefit from the advice of managers and teachers.
Les stages dans les établissements, entreprises, administrations et cabinets professionnels partenaires intervenant dans le domaine des affaires, sont organisés pour parfaire le cursus de nos étudiants, ce qui facilitera le recrutement dès l’obtention du diplôme.