ERASMUS+ : Projet e-Val (Exploitation des Compétences et Valorisation des acquis pour une Meilleure Insertion et Visibilité professionnelles)
The e-Val project aims to enhance the value of training and experience acquired at Moroccan universities, to promote career guidance, mobility and lifelong learning, and to give companies a clearer picture of the skills of graduates. The project proposes to implement the e-portfolio approach and the e-VAL platform at Moroccan partner universities. The project is based on the observation that there is a lack of intelligent interfaces enabling students to capitalize on their experience and cultivate their digital identity, Moroccan university governance to develop its digital visibility, and companies to better read skills at source. We'll be conducting a survey in our Moroccan partner universities, which will enable us to shed light on real needs and expectations.
We will then schedule training courses to present best practices in this field at our European partners, followed by actions to transfer expertise, skills and staff training to our Moroccan partner universities. This pedagogical approach will be supported by actions aimed at professional recognition by both the universities and the socio-economic community. The e-VAL platform, designed using a networked approach, will be developed by joint teams, implemented and evaluated. Integrated into the partner universities' information systems, it will ensure the coherence and comprehensiveness of the e-portfolio approach, in line with the needs of the Moroccan socio-economic fabric. The action will focus on raising awareness, training in the importance of the e-portfolio approach, and the design, implementation and testing of the e-VAL platform. Once stabilized at the end of the project, the platform will be evaluated and then submitted for recognition by the relevant Ministry, thus ensuring the sustainability of the e-VAL project.