Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Activities

Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Activities

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Amidst its Internationalization strategy, UIR has set as goal to diversify its academic offer to give its students an in-depth understanding of the global world they are living in. This access to information is only possible through the international partnerships and projects led by UIR.
In harmony with the objectives set by the European Union to enable students of the world to be emerged in EU studies, we have dedicated this page to visitors who are eager to learn more about the EU, Jean Monnet Activities, and more specifically the Jean Monnet Module implemented by UIR.
We are very pleased to be sharing our experience with you and we hope it will encourage you to start this journey in pursuit of knowledge.


Who is Jean Monnet?

Jean Monnet (1888-1979) , founding father of the European community, he contributed to transforming Europe into a free, prosper and peaceful space.
The French political and economic adviser Jean Monnet dedicated himself to the cause of European integration. He was the inspiration behind the ‘Schuman Plan’, which foresaw the merger of west European heavy industry. Monnet was from the Cognac region of France. When he left school at 16 h travelled internationally as a cognac dealer, later also as a banker.

During both world wars he held high-level positions relating to the coordination of industrial production in France and the United Kingdom. As a top advisor to the French government he was the main inspiration behind the famous ‘Schuman Declaration’ of 9 May 1950, which led to the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community and, as such, is considered to be the birth of the European Union. Between 1952 and 1955 he was the first president of its executive body.

Jean Monnet Activities

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What is the aim of Jean Monnet Activities?
Jean Monnet Activities are designed to promote excellence in teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide. The activities also foster the dialogue between the academic world and policymakers, in particular with the aim of enhancing governance of EU policies.
European Union studies comprise the study of Europe in its entirety with particular emphasis on the European integration process in both its internal and external aspects. The discipline also covers the role of the EU in a globalized world and in promoting an active European citizenship and dialogue between people and cultures.
What types of activities are supported?
  • Teaching and Research: Jean Monnet Modules, Chairs and Centers of Excellence.
  • Support to Associations: Jean Monnet support to Associations.
  • Policy debate with the Academic World: Jean Monnet Networks and Jean Monnet Projects.
Key activities include courses, research, conferences, networking activities, and publications in the field of EU studies.

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Jean Monnet Module, the teaching activity implemented by UIR
A Jean Monnet Module is a short teaching program (or course) in the field of European Union studies at a higher education institution. Each Module has a minimum duration of 40 teaching hours per academic year and must focus on one particular discipline in European studies or be multidisciplinary requiring the academic input of several professors and experts.
The aim of the modules is to promote research and teaching experience among young researchers, scholars and practitioners in EU issues, foster the publication and dissemination of academic research, create interest in the EU, foster the introduction of an EU angle mainly into non-EU related studies and deliver tailor-made courses on specific EU issues relevant for graduates in their professional life.
For more information visit the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)’s website.
*the information above is provided by the EACEA, European Commission

Jean Monnet Module at UIR

The European Union is a prime partner of the Kingdom of Morocco, a close relationship enshrined by an advanced Statute and a bundle of highly developed agreements and relationships with complex implications and interactions. The European Union is the first cooperation partner and the Kingdom's first trading partner, essential dimensions for economic growth and the most inclusive desired development possible. In order to multiply the potentialities of this partnership in our country, our administrations and our private sector need new expertise, new profiles able to understand and master the mechanisms of this partnership and its institutional framework.
The European Expertise program of the UIR - Jean Monnet module is, for us, the suitable tool for developing, from an existing base of courses approaching European issues, an additional offer of more advanced courses on the law and the functioning mechanisms of the EU. Thanks to the flexibility of its implementation, the module makes it possible to set up these new syllabuses in several disciplines and makes it possible to reinforce the academic units through more in-depth courses dedicated to the European Union.
Some courses will be introduced in the Bachelor of Law, Political Science, Business as well as in the curricula of scientific studies (Engineering Schools).
The aim is to reinforce the seven existing courses and to introduce five new courses to strengthen the foundation of the teaching modules dedicated to the EU.

  • Histoire de la construction européenne 
  • Droit matériel de l’Union Européenne 
  • Droit européen et international de la concurrence 
  • Contentieux Communautaire
  • Droits de l’Homme
  • Droit et pratique du commerce international 
  • Droit des relations extérieures de l’UE
  • Relations internationales et politique extérieure de l’UE
  • Les migrations internationales et gouvernance : un enjeu mondial
  • Droit européen des affaires
  • Droit international et communautaire de la propriété industrielle et stratégies d’entreprise
  • Relation Maroc – Union européenne
  • Commerce international – mondialisation et intégration

    Abdelkhaleq BERRAMDANE

    Professor Emeritus at University of Tours (France)
    Legal Expert for the European Parliament

    They visited UIR…

    « Knowledge of the political and legal system of the European Union is a necessity, given the multiple links that unite the Kingdom of Morocco to Europe.
    In this context, I was invited to be part of the Erasmus program Jean Monnet at the International University of Rabat.
    As such, I was able to give lectures and teach European Union law courses as part of the bachelor’s in business law and master’s in business law and Taxation (Law School) during the academic years 2018-2019 and 2019-2020.
    This academic cooperation was extended by the presence of two colleagues from the UIR at the international conference of the University of Tours (15 and 16 November 2018 on "the new European system for settling investment disputes".
    It was substantiated by the conclusion in December 2019 of the Bilateral and Student Exchange Agreement between the University of Tours (Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences) and the International University of Rabat (Rabat School of Law). »

    Alain Buzelay

    Professeur titulaire d’un doctorat en Sciences Economique et d'une chaire Jean Monnet ad personam

    «The International University of Rabat was awarded funding for two years in order to provide an academic Module with a European component ("Jean Monnet module"). 
    University Professor Emeritus, holder of a Jean Monnet Chair ad personam and former responsible for the European Commission of a Jean Monnet Center of Excellence, I was called upon to participate in the lessons of this module.
    Economist by training, having taught at the European University Center of Nancy, at Sciences-Po – Paris and, currently, at  Management Training and Research Unit of the University Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne, I agreed to take charge of two lessons of twelve hours each at the International University of Rabat.
    The first, as part of the master’s in Political Science, which deals with major European policies and their impact on Morocco within the framework of its privileged partnership with the European Union. The second, as part of a master's degree of the Business School, dealing with the impact of European integration on the management and restructuring of companies. »

    Jean-Paul Chagnollaud

    Political Science professor, former dean of the Law Training and Research Unit at University of Cergy-Pontoise and director of the international Magazine “Confluences-Méditerranée”. Author of numerous academic publications part of which is « Quelques idées simples sur l'Orient compliqué (Ellipses, June 2008) », and with Pierre Blanc and Sid-Ahmed Souiah Palestine, “la dépossession d'un territoire (L’Harmattan, 23 May 2007)”

    Activities and Events

    Conference: «International Migration and Human Law in the Mediterranean» 

    Under the umbrella of its European Project Jean Monnet European Expertise, UIR organized a conference on « International Migration and Human Law in the Mediterranean » in partnership with European Parliament to Campus.
    The conference was moderated by Dr. Fathallah Sijilmassi, phd in Economics, Former Ambassador of Morocco to France, Former Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean. And had as speakers Dr. Per Gahrton, Former Member of teh European Parliament (Swedish Green), Phd in Sociology, Dr. Beatriz Mesa, Professor at Sciences Po Rabat (UIR) and associate member of the UIR Laboratory for Political Studies and Human Sciences (LEPOSH), Mrs. Ana Fonseca, Mission Chief, International Organization for Migration (IOM), Morocco. 
    A collection of paintings by Gibril DIFFO, Artist from Cameroun, was also displayed after the conference.

    The Africa Forum « Rethink Africa » 

    As part of the Africa Forum « Rethink Africa », organized by UIR Rabat School of Political Science, a panel on « Sustainable security challenges on the African continent » was introduced as part of the Jean Monnet Module.
    Moderators :
    Mr. Abdellatif BENCHERIFA, , Director of the Public Policy Center, UIR
    Mr. Fathallah SIJILMASSI, , Former Ambassador and Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean

    Speakers : 
    Mr. Ismaila NIMAGA  , Central African Republic Ambassador to Rabat and Dean of the African Diplomatic corps.
    Mr. Ousmane AMADOU , Republic of Mali Ambassador to Rabat.
    Mr. Salissou ADA , Republic of Niger Ambassador to Rabat.
    Mr. Baba GARBA , Republic of Nigeria Ambassador to Rabat.
    Mr. Mohammed Lemine OULD ABEYE , Islamic Republic of Mauritania Ambassador to Rabat.
    Mrs. Claudia WIEDEY , Ambassador Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Morocco.
    Mr. Juan Ignacio SELL , Minister and Counceller to the Spanish Embassy in Morocco, former Ambassador of Spain in South Africa.

    Let’s talk about Jean Monnet European Expertise

    Visit of the Erasmus+ National Office : 

    Introduction to the Project by Eric Yvonnet

    Testimonial: Professor Alain Buzelay 

    Erasmus+ National Info Day 2019 


    UIR presented the Jean Monnet Module Activity to Moroccan Universities’ representatives during the National Info Day Erasmus+ 2019: “Erasmus+ in Morocco: Moving Forward”, organized by erasmus+ National Office Morocco in collaboration with the Moroccan Ministry of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research and the European Union Delegation in Morocco.

    Source :

    You are a Moroccan University and you would like to join the Jean Monnet Activities Network?

    The Erasmus+ National Office takes through the application procedure: 

    Are you interested in the History and functioning of the European Union?

    Visit the official website of the EU:

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