Other Fees

Other Fees

Dining & Transport

Several dining areas are available on campus to provide students with access to a wide selection of meals.

Dining Hall

The UIR campus dining hall offers daily hot meals and "Snack" menus at negotiated rates for students. Quality and variety of dishes are the keywords of the UIR campus dining hall, which is subject to regular health inspections. Regular meetings are held between students and the service provider to improve and diversify menus and services.

Opening hours: :

  • Breakfast: 7:15-9:30 am
  • Lunch: Noon to 2:15 pm
  • Dinner: 7:00-8:45 pm
Closed on Sunday



Two other “restaurants” (GALICIA AND ART CHILL) offer diversified food services with meal plans and menus negotiated for students. They offer fast food dishes as well as a wide variety of breakfast and lunch options.

Opening hours: :

Opening hours:

  • From 8 am to 6 pm (Galicia)
  • From 8 am to 11 pm (Art Chill)

Closed on Sunday


A shared transport service is offered by various service providers and allows you to travel to the UIR campus every morning according to pre-determined routes. Evening returns are also guaranteed until 7:05 pm. The average journey lasts 30 minutes.

A new transport service has been set up since the start of the 2017/2018 academic year with a company specializing in intercity transport, so as to meet the mobility needs of students and employees. A round-trip service is provided from Monday to Sunday over a wide time range linking UIR to the Rabat-Salé tramway network. For each new academic year, an information desk is set up by the specialized company for a 2-week period during the start of the academic year.

Two bus lines in the city of Rabat allow you to reach the city center of Rabat (Bab Al Had Station) in 45 minutes for MAD 4 per trip: Bus 35 for Rabat and 48 for Salé.